Ok, so I have been a bit slack when it comes to writing my blog. Truth be known I just have not been inspired to write. I thought of a few topics but when it came down to the crunch, I just could not be bothered to put it down in black and white.
Over the last 6 months I have had a lot of other things on my mind and with the two moves I have had a lot to do as well. Moving house twice in 3 months is not something I would recommend to anyone, especially if you are doing it yourself. Fortunately it has all worked out in the end and I am possibly the happiest I have ever been now living in this small country village.
For example, who would not be happy owning a house outright? Yes, that is correct, no mortgage. And we have our very own spring water bore with which to top up the rainwater tank should it ever drop to a level where we would need it. The Council rates are less than $600 a year and that is before the pensioner discount is applied so all we really need to pay is food, petrol, electricity, telephone and insurances.
I have also learned to budget a lot better and plan meals. That way everything in the freezer gets used and very little is thrown away. I am cooking more things from scratch these days too. Certainly a cheaper way to eat and makes you think when you look in the pantry and wonder what sort of meal you can make with what is in there.
Yes, I can honestly say life in Ebor suits me down to the ground. There are 2 gorgeous horses next door who have trained me to give them a carrot or apple when they come to the fence and I get to give them a pat and scratch on the head. Lovely. The fresh, clean country air and being 1300 metres above sea level makes me feel alive.
There are lots worse places to be. So lucky I am here.
Ciao for now.
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