Friday, September 27, 2013

Digital scrapbooking

A few years ago I discovered another way to waste hours on the computer. Well, it is not really a waste if you are being artistic but the time flies by like mad and before you realise, it is afternoon already and you probably should stop playing and get on with yesterday's washing up. Here is my latest effort at digi scrapping. I used some of the frost photos I took yesterday and put this little gem together. Crikey it was cold and the icecream container we have outside with the dog's water in it still had some ice in it at dinner time.

Digital scrapbooking is a lot of fun though you don't have the hands on paper and embellishments to play with but by the same token, if you make a mistake on your layout there is no need to wring your hands and tear your hair out because you can simply delete the offending portion.

Oh well dear readers, I must away as we are going to Armidale in an hour or so to hand over some hard earned cash to the boys at Bunnings and whilst in town we will treat ourselves to a Thai lunch. Yum yum, can't wait.


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