Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm having one of those days/months

It all happens at once. My back has been acting up lately. Had to have a day off work for that. Been feeling a bit off and then Monday I went to the doc about the pain in my left foot that I have had for 2 months. I was feeling every step when I was walking the dogs and I had had enough. He referred me for a scan and then he kindly gave me a cortisone injection which I was allergic to (found out the hard way) and spent 2 days drugged to the eyeballs on pain killers and limping from room to room on a walking stick because my foot had swollen up and the pain was agony. My 3 middle toes were sticking out like little fat sausages. Thursday I managed to get a shoe on and could leave the house. Today I returned to work on panadols but it is still a bit sore. The perils of being over 50 I suppose.

*sigh* Looking on the bright side, if it all happens at once, then I can look forward to about 12 months of good health - he he he


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